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Spirit and Other Writings (by author from more prolific authors)

| Johanne Agerskov | Akhenaton | Frank Alper | Rosemary Altea (Gray Eagle) | Elwood Babbitt | Alice Bailey (Djwhal Khul) | Marti Barham | Elsa Barker | Bartholomew (via Mary Moore) | Graham Bernard | Silver Birch | Frances Bird | Anthony Borgia | Sylvia Browne | June Burke | Eileen Caddy | Dolores Cannon | Ken Carey | Mary Carreiro | Hilda Charlton | Edgar Cayce | Barbara Hand Clow | Grace and Ivan Cooke (White Eagle) | Denise Cooney | A Course in Miracles (via Helen Schucman and others) | Benjamin Creme (Maitreya) | Geraldine Cummins | Dolfyn | Emmanuel (via Pat Rodegast, et. al.) | Virginia Essene | Paul Ferrini | Arthur Findlay | Jean K. Foster | Louis Gittner | Brian Grattan | Helen Greaves | David Hess | Hilarion (via Maurice Cooke) | Barbara Marx Hubbard | I Am | Allan Kardec (Leon Rivail) | Ronald G. Kaufmann | L Kelway-Bamber | Eric Klein | Kryon (via Lee Carroll) | Dale Landry | Lazaris (via Jack Pursel ) | David K Johnson and Robert Leichtman | Janet McClure (Vywamus) | Dorothy. MacLean | A. Gates McKibbin | George McMullen | James Merrill | Michael Teachings | Mother Mary (via Annie Kirkwood and others) | MSI | Karl Nowotny | George Vale Owen | James E Padgett | Pearl | Eva Pierrakos | Elizabeth Clare and Mark Prophet | Ramala | Andrew Ramer | Ramtha (via J.Z. Knight) | Dorothy Roeder | Mona Rolfe | Sanaya Roman | Helena Roerich | Kevin Ryerson and Shirley Maclaine | Saint Germain (via Guy Ballard, et. al.) | Ron Scolastico | Seth (via Jane Roberts et al) | Ursula Roberts | Silver Birch | Paul Selig | Susy Smith (James) | Julie Soskin | Violet Starre | William T. Stead | Brad & Francine Steiger | Roman Stevens (Alexander) | Joshua David Stone | Marshall Summers | Emanuel Swedenborg | Temple of the People | Diane Tessman | Sister Thedra | Tuieta | Marilyn & Thomas Twintreess | Urantia (via William Sadler) | Doreen Virtue | Mary Bruce Wallace | Neale Donald Walsch | Suzanne Ward | Ruth White | Stewart Edward White | Patience Worth | William Butler Yeats |

Johanne Agerskov

The doctrine of atonement and the shorter road: a message from the transcendental world to all who bear the name of Christian; Agerskov, Johanne; Paperback; 1979; $6.00
Questions and answers: first and second supplement to Toward the light; Agerskov, Johanne; Paperback; 1979; $14.00
Toward the light: a message to mankind from the transcendental world; Agerskov, Johanne; Paperback; 1979; $15.00

Sri Akhenaton

Crystal Coimmunion: Lovelight Meditations; Sri Akhenaton; Paperback; $21.95
The Dawning: Coming of Age: A Collection of Parables; Sri Akhenaton; Paperback; 1998; $11.95
Discussions of Spiritual Attunement & Soul Evolution Vol 11; Sri Akhenaton; Paperback; $12.95
Loving Touch: The Sacred Covenant of Divine Communion: A Guide to Trans-Cultural Spirituality and the Practice of Loving Touch Therapy; Sri Akhenaton; Paperback; 1998; $21.95
Reflections from the Golden Mind; Sri Akhenaton; Hardcover; $12.95

Frank Alper

Exploring Atlantis, No I; Frank Alper; Paperback; 1990; (Out of Print)
Exploring Atlantis, No II; Frank Alper; Paperback; 1990; $14.95
Exploring Atlantis, No III; Frank Alper; Paperback; 1990; $14.95

Rosemary Altea

The Eagle and the Rose; Rosemary Altea; Mass Market Paperback; 1996; $5.59;
The Eagle and the Rose: A Remarkable True Story; Rosemary Altea; Hardcover; 1995; (Out of Print);
Give the Gift of Healing: A Concise Guide to Spiritual Healing; Rosemary Altea; Paperback; 1997; $20.00
Proud Spirit: Lessons, Insights and Healing Stories from the Voice of the Spirit World; Rosemary Altea; Hardcover; 1997; $52.50
Proud Spirit: Lessons, Insights & Healing Stories; Rosemary Altea; Hardcover; 1997; $13.97;
You Own the Power: Stories and Exercises to Inspire and Unleash the Force Within; Rosemary Altea;Hardcover 2000; #20.00

Elwood Babbitt / Charles Hapgood

God Within: A Testament of Vishnu; Elwood Babbitt; Paperback; 1982; (Out of Print)
Perfect Health: Accept No Substitutes; Elwood Babbitt; Paperback; 1993; $15.95
Talks with Christ; Elwood Babbitt; Paperback; 1981; $15.95
Voices of Spirit; Charles Hapgood, Elwood Babbitt; Paperback; 1992; $13.00

Alice A. Bailey

Consciousness of the Atom; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $10.85
Consciousness of the Atom; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $18.00
Death the Great Adventure; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $10.85
The Destiny of the Nations; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $18.00
The Destiny of the Nations; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $10.85
Discipleship in the New Age Vol 1; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $22.00
Discipleship in the New Age Vol 1; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $35.00
Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $22.00
Discipleship in the New Age Vol 2; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $35.00
Education in the New Age; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $18.00
Education in the New Age; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $10.85
Esoteric Astrology Vol 3; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $20.00
Esoteric Astrology Vol 3; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $33.00
Esoteric Healing Vol 4; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $20.00
Esoteric Healing Vol 4; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $33.00
Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the 7 Rays Vol 1; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $14.00
Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the 7 Rays Vol 1; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $24.00
Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the 7 Rays Vol 2; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $22.00
Externalization of the Hierarchy; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $33.00
Externalization of the Hierarchy; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $20.00
From Bethlehem to Calvary; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $21.00
From Bethlehem to Calvary; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
From Intellect to Intuition; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $21.00
From Intellect to Intuition; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Glamour: A World Problem; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Initiation Human and Solar; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Labors of Hercules; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $12.00
Letters on Occult Meditation; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $26.00
Letters on Occult Meditation; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $13.00
Light of the Soul; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $14.00
The Light of the Soul; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $35.00
Ponder on This: A Compilation; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $14.00
Problems of Humanity; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Rays and the Initiations (A Treatise on the Seven Rays) Vol 5; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $35.00
Rays and the Initiations: A Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 5; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $22.00
Reappearance of the Christ; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $21.00
Reappearance of the Christ; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Serving Humanity; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $14.00
The Seven Rays of Life; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $13.00
Soul, the Quality of Life; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback (Out of Print)
Soul and Its Mechanism; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $10.85
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $21.00
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $11.00
Treatise on Cosmic Fire; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $60.00 (Out of Print)
Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 1; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $27.00
Treatise on White Magic; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $33.00
A Treatise on White Magic or the Way of the Disciple; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $20.00
Unfinished Autobiography; Alice A. Bailey; Hardcover; $26.00
Unfinished Autobiography; Alice A. Bailey; Paperback; $13.00

Marti Barham

Bridging Two worlds; Marti Barham; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Our Spiritual Connection; Tom Greene, Marti Barham; Paperback; $7.95
Silver Cord; Marti Barham; Paperback; $12.00
Yesterday's Children: Revisiting and Restructuring Our Past; Marti Barham, James Thomas Greene; Hardcover; $17.95

Elsa Barker

Letters from a living dead man; Elsa Barker; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
War Letters from a living dead man; Elsa Barker; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Last Letters from a living dead man; Elsa Barker; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Songs of a Vagrom Angel; Elsa Barker; Hardcover; (Out of Print)

 Bartholomew (via Mary Margaret Moore)

From the Heart of a Gentle Brother; Bartholomew, M. Moore; Paperback; $10.95
I come as a brother: a remembrance of illusions; Bartholomew, M. Moore; (Out of Print)
Journeys With a Brother Japan to India; Bartholomew, M. Moore; Paperback; $12.95
Planetary Brother (I Come As a Brother Ser, Book 4); Bartholomew, M. Moore; Paperback; $10.95
Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream; Bartholomew, M. Moore; Paperback; $10.95

 Graham Bernard

The Challenge of Evil; Graham Bernard; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
Eternal Ties: The Reality Behind Relationships; Graham Bernard; Paperback; 1990; (Out of Print)
Why You Are Who You Are: A Psychic Conversation; Graham. Bernard; Paperback; 1985;

Frances Bird

Laws of the Kingdom Vol 1; Frances Bird; Paperback; $14.95
Laws of the Kingdom Vol 2; Frances Bird; Paperback; $16.95
The New Dispensation; Frances Bird; Paperback; $16.95
The Transition, Explained: Earth Questions, Spirit Answers; Frances Bird; Paperback; $12.95

Anthony Borgia (Robert Benson)

Heaven and Earth; Anthony Borgia; Paperback; (Out of Print)
Here and Hereafter; Anthony Borgia; Paperback; 1993; $10.00
Life in the World Unseen; Anthony Borgia; Paperback; 1993; $12.00 (all time classic)
More Life in the World Unseen; Anthony Borgia; Paperback; 1994; $10.00

June Burke

Creation Its' Laws & You; June K. Burke; Paperback; 1998; $9.95
Self Discovery & Manifestation; June K. Burke; Paperback; 1998; $9.95
You Are Unique; June K. Burke; Paperback; 1998; $9.95

Eileen Caddy

The Dawn of Change; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $8.76
Flight into Freedom (autobiography); Eileen Caddy; Paperback; 1988
Footprints on the Path; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $14.95
Foundations of Findhorn; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $6.30
God Spoke to Me; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $14.95
The Living Word; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $5.56
Opening Doors Within; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $10.36
The Spirit of Findhorn; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $8.76
Waves of Spirit; Practical Ways to Face Today's Life Challenges; Eileen Caddy; Paperback; $11.96
Bringing More Love into Your Life: The Choice Is Yours; Eileen Caddy, David E. Platts; Paperback; $29.95
Choosing to Love; Eileen Caddy; Hardcover; $7.66
Flight into Freedom (autobiography); E. Caddy; Paperback (Out of Print)
Divinely Ordinary, Divinely Human: Celebrating the Life and Work of Eileen Caddy; David E. Platts (Editor); Hardback; 2000; $19.95

Dolores Cannon

Between Death & Life: Conversations With a Spiritfe; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $11.20
Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol 1; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $11.96
Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol 2; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $11.96
Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained Vol 3; Delores Cannon, Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $12.76
Jesus and the Essenes: Fresh Insights into Christ's Ministry and the Dead Sea Scrolls; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $11.16
A Soul Remembers Hiroshima; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $10.40
They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experience With Christ; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $9.56

Ken Carey

Flat Rock Journal: A Day in the Ozark Mountains; Ken Carey; Paperback; $8.00
Notes to My Children: A Simplified Metaphysics; Ken Carey; Paperback (Out of Print)
Return of the Bird Tribes; Ken Carey; Paperback; $11.20
The Starseed Transmissions; Ken Carey; Paperback; $8.80
The Third Millennium: Living in the Posthistoric World; Ken Carey; Paperback; $9.60
Vision: A Personal Call to Create a New World; Ken Carey; Paperback; $8.80

Mary Carreiro

Modern Education: One Size Fits All (Gentle Wind Series); Mary E. Carreiro; Paperback; 1988; $14.95
Modern Education: One Size Fits All (Gentle Wind Series, Vol 3); Mary E. Carreiro; Hardcover; 1988; $34.95
Modern Religion and the Destruction of Spiritual Capacity (Gentle Wind Series, Vol 2); Mary E. Carreiro; Paperback; 1987; $12.95
Modern Religion and the Destruction of Spiritual Capacity: Channelled from the Brotherhood (Gentle Wind Book, Vol Ii); Mary Carreiro; Hardcover; 1988; $29.95
Politics of Global Failure: Channelled from the Brotherhood (Gentle Wind Series, Vol 4); Mary E. Carriero; Textbook Binding; 1989; (Out of Print)
The Psychology of Spiritual Growth/Channelled from the Brotherhood; Mary Elizabeth Carriero; Hardcover; 1987; $29.95
The Psychology of Spiritual Growth; Mary Elizabeth Carriero; Paperback; 1987; $12.95

Edgar Cayce (on separate page)

 Hilda Charlton

Divine Mother Speaks; Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1993; $5.50
Master Hilarion (Golden Ques Series); Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1990; $7.95
The New Sun (Golden Quest Series); Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1989; $8.95
Saints Alive (Golden Quest Series, Vol 3; Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1989; $12.95
Hell-Bent for Heaven: The Autobiography of Hilda Charlton (The Golden Quest Series, Vol. 5); Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1990; $9.95
Pioneers of the Soul (Golden Quest Series, Vol 6); Hilda Charlton; Paperback; 1992; $11.95

Barbara Hand Clow

Eye of the Centaur: A Visionary Guide into Past Lives; Barbara Hand, Clow; Paperback; $10.36
Heart of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades; Barbara Hand, Clow; Paperback; 1989; $12.00
Signet of Atlantis: War in Heaven Bypass (The Mind Chronicles); Barbara Hand Clow, Angela Werneke (Illustrator); Paperback; $12.00

Grace and Ivan Cooke (White Eagle)

Arthur Conan Doyle Book of Beyond; Grace Cooke, Ivan Cooke; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Beautiful Road Home: Living in the Knowledge That You Are Spirit; White Eagle; Paperback; 1992; $9.95 DeVorss
The Book of Star Light; White Eagle; Hardcover; 2000; $13.95
Bright New Year: A Centenary Collection of Ivan Cookes Writing; Ivan Cooke; Paperback; $7.85
Eyes of the Spirit: Working With a Spiritual Teacher; Colum Hayward; Paperback; 1998; $11.16
Gentle Brother; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1968; $6.95 DeVorss
Golden Harvest; White Eagle; Paperback; 1983; $6.50
Heal Thyself; White Eagle; Hardcover; 2001; $8.95 DeVorss
Healing by the Spirit; Ivan Cooke; Paperback; $11.95
Illumined Ones; Grace Cooke; Paperback; $8.80
Jesus, Teacher and Healer; White Eagle; Paperback; 2000; $13.95 DeVorss
Jewel in the Lotus; Grace Cooke; Paperback; $10.80
Light in Britain; Grace Gooke, Ivan Cooke; Paperback; $9.80
The Living Word of Saint John; White Eagle; Out of Print
Meditation; Grace Cooke; Paperback
Minesta's Vision: A Centenary Collection of Grace Cooke's Writing; Grace Cooke; Paperback; $9.30
Morning Light; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1957 reprint; $5.56 DeVorss
The New Mediumship; Grace Cooke; Paperback; $9.80
Path of the Soul; White Eagle Out of Print
Prayer in the New Age; White Eagle Out of Print
Quiet Mind; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1998 reprint; $6.36 DeVorss
The shining presence (autobiography); Cooke, Grace; (Out of Print)
The Source of All Our Strength: Mor Sayings of White Eagle; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1997; $11.95 DeVorss
Spiritual Unfoldment 1; White Eagle; Hardcover; 2000 reprint; $12.95 DeVorss
Spiritual Unfoldment 2; White Eagle; Hardcover; $9.56
Spiritual Unfoldment 3 The Way to the Inner Mysteries; White Eagle; Hardcover; $9.56
Spiritual Unfoldment 4: The Path to the Light; White Eagle; Hardcover; $11.95
The Stars and the Chakras: The Astrology of Spiritual Unfoldment; Joan Hodgson; Paperback; 1997; $16.95
Still Voice; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1981; $9.95 DeVorss
Sun Men of the Americas; Grace Cooke; Paperback; $9.30
Sunrise; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1958; $6.95 DeVorss
Walking With the Angels: A Path of Service; White Eagle; Paperback; 1999; $13.95
Way of the Sun; White Eagle; Hardcover; 1982; $9.95 DeVorss
White Eagle Lodge Book of Health and Healing; Joan Hodgson; Paperback; 1983; $12.50
Why on Earth; Joan Hodgson; Paperback; 1979; $6.95
Wisdom from White Eagle; White Eagle; Paperback; 1970; $8.95 DeVorss

Denise Cooney

A Plea from the Angels: Messages from Michael the Archangel; Denise Cooney; Paperback; 1995; $10.36
Beyond a Master; Denise Cooney; Paperback; 1988; (Out of Print)
What on Earth Is Happening?: A Spiritual Vision of a World in Crisis; Nick Bamforth, Denise Cooney; Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)

A Course in Miracles (on a separate page)

Benjamin Creme

The Ageless Wisdom Teaching; Benjamin Creme; Paperback;1996; $4.00
Maitreya's Mission - Volume One; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $13.00
Maitreya's Mission - Volume Two; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $18.00
Maitreya's Mission - Volume Three; Benjamin Creme; Paperback;1997; $18.00
A Master Speaks; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $10.88
Messages from Maitreya the Christ; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $9.73
Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $8.85
Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age; Benjamin Creme; Paperback; $7.73

Geraldine Cummins

After Pentecost; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Beyond Human Personality; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Childhood of Jesus; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Great Days of Ephesus; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Manhood of Jesus: His early adult years, His Trial and Crucifixion; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
I Appeal unto Ceasar; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Mind in Life and Death; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Paul in Athens; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
The Road to Immortality;being a description of the afterlife purporting to be communicated by the late F. W. H. Myers; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
The Scripts of Cleophas; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Swan on a Black Sea: A study in automatic writing, the Cummins-Willett scripts; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Travellers in Eternity; being some descriptions of life after death with evidence; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
When Nero was Dictator; Geraldine Cummins; Hardcover; (Out of Print)


Angelic Wisdom: Celestial Beings and Their Spiritual Powers; Dolfyn; Paperback; 1996; $7.16
Bough Down: Praying With Tree Spirits; Dolfyn; Paperback; 1986; $2.95
Crystal Wisdom: Spiritual Properties of Crystals and Gemstones; Dolfyn; Paperback; 1989; $8.76
Praying With Fire: Communicating With Fire Spirit; Dolfyn; Paperback; 1988; $3.95
Shamanic Wisdom: Nature Spirituality, Sacred Power and Earth Ecstasy; Dolfyn; Paperback; 1991; $7.96
Shamanic Wisdom II: The Way of the Animal Spirits: The Way of the Animal Spirits; Dolfyn, Swimming Wolf; Paperback; 1996; $7.96

Emmanuel (via Pat Rodegast, et. al.)

Emmanuel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos; Pat Rodegast, Judith Stanton (Compiler); Paperback; $10.36
Emmanuel's Book II: The Choice for Love (New Age); Pat Rodegast; Paperback; $10.36
Emmanuel's Book III: What Is an Angel Doing Here? Vol 3; Pat Rodegast, et al; Paperback; $10.36
The Book of Surrender: A Journey to Self-Awareness Inspired by the Words of Emmanuel; Wingate Paine; Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)

Virginia Essene

Cosmic Revelation; Ann Valentin, Virginia Essene; Paperback; 1987
Descent of the Dove; Ann Valentin, Virginia Essene; Paperback; 1988
Earth, the Cosmos and You Revelations by Archangel Michael; Virginia Essene; Paperback; 1999; $14.95
Energy Blessings from the Stars: 7 Initiations; Irving Feurst, Virginia Essene; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
New Cells, New Bodies, New Life!: You're Becoming a Fountain of Youth!; Virginia Essene (Editor); Paperback; $11.95
New Teachings for a Awakening Humanity; The Christ, Virginia Essene (Editor); Paperback; $9.95
You Are Becoming a Galactic Human; Virginia Essene; Paperback (Out of Print)
Hathor Material; Tom Kenyon; Virginia Essene; Paperback; 1996; $12.95

Paul Ferrini

Love without conditions: Reflections of the Christ Mind; Paul Ferrini; Paperback; 1994; $14.95
The Silence of the Heart: Reflections of the Christ mind, Part Two; Paul Ferrini; Paperback; 1996; $14.95
Miracle of Love: Reflections of the Christ mind, Part III; Paul Ferrini; Paperback; 1997; $12.95
Return to the Garden: Reflections of the Christ mind, Part IV; Paul Ferrini; Paperback; 1998; $12.95

Arthur Findlay

More Truth; Arthur Findlay; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
On The Edge Of The Etheric: Or Survival After Death; Arthur Findlay; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
The Way of Life; Arthur Findlay; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Where Two Worlds Meet; Arthur Findlay; Hardcover; (Out of Print)

Jean K. Foster

Decision: Spiritual Principles for Those Who Intend to Make a Difference; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $9.80
Divine Partnership: Book Three of the God-Mind Plan for Saving Both Planet and Man; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $10.80
Epilogue Vol 1; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $9.95
Eternal Gold Vol 1; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $8.95
The God-Mind Connection; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $10.95
Masters of Greatness: Book Two of the God Mind Plan for Saving Both Planet and Man; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $10.80
New Earth - New Truth; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $9.95
The Truth That Goes Unclaimed; Jean K. Foster; Paperback; $10.95

Louis Gittner

Listen Listen Listen; Louis Gittner; Paperback; 1980; $9.95
Love Is a Verb; Louis Gittner; Hardcover; 1987; $12.95
There Is a Rainbow; Louis Gittner; Paperback; 1981; $5.95

Brian Grattan

Mahatma; Brian Grattan; Paperback; 1991; $11.96
Mahatma 1; Brian Grattan; Paperback; 1992; (Out of Print)
Mahatma II; Brian Grattan; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
Mahatma I and II; Gratter, Brian Grattan; Paperback; 1994; $15.96
The Rider on the White Horse; Brian Grattan; Paperback; 1990; (Out of Print)

Helen Greaves

Testimony of Light; Helen Greaves; Paperback; $11.95
The Wheel of Eternity; Helen Greaves; Paperback; $11.16
The Challenging Light; Helen Greaves; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)

Hilarion (via Maurice Borden Cooke)

Body Signs; Hilarion, Maurice Borden Cooke; Paperback; $9.80
The Letters of Paul: A New Spiritual World View; Hilarion, Maurice Borden Cooke; Paperback; $12.95
Many additional titles available from Marcus books or from Bodhi Tree Books (author=hilarion)
Answers: From The Pages Of Lightline
Astrology Plus: The Signs And Houses
Dark Robes Dark Brothers
Mars Connection
Master Hilarion
Master Plan: Past, Present and Future of the Human...
Nature Of Reality: A Book of Explanations from Hilarion
Other Kingdoms
Seasons Of The Spirit
Threshold: A Letter for Michelle on the Meaning of...
Wildflowers: Their Occult Gifts

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence; Barbara Marx Hubbard; Paperback; 2001; $11.96
The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (The Book of Co-Creation Vol. 1); Barbara Marx Hubbard; Hardcover; 1993; $25.00
The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (The Book of Co-Creation Vol. 1); Barbara Marx Hubbard; Paperback; 1993; $16.95
The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium (Book of Co-Creation Vol.2); Barbara Marx Hubbard; Paperback; 1995; $13.56

I Am

God's Words: To Inspire the Angel in You; I am; Paperback; 2001; $19.95
God's Words for Heaven on Earth Now (Volume 2); I am; Paperback; 2001; $19.95
I AM Love: God's Words (Volume 3); I am; Paperback; 2002; $19.95
Discover Your Inner Angel: God's Words of Enlightenment for Heaven on Earth Now (Volume 4); I am; Paperback; 2002; $22.95

Allan Kardec

Book on Mediums; Or, Guide for Mediums and Invocators; Allan Kardec; Paperback; $11.96
The Gospel: Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine; Allan Kardec; Hardcover; $20. [1866]
The Spirits' Book; Allan Kardec; Paperback; $15.00
The Spirits' Book; Allan Kardec, Anna Blackwell (Translator); Paperback; $13.95
Spiritualist Philosophy: The Spirit's Books (Occult); Allan Kardec; Hardcover

Ronald G. Kaufmann

Between Two Worlds: The Message of Ramtha; Ramtha, Ronald G. Kaufmann; Paperback (Out of Print)
King Tut's Reality: The 7 Steps to Redemption; Ronald Kaufman; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Prophecy and teaching in the new ages Vol 1; Armadeus [via Ronald Kaufmann]; 1987; (Out of Print)
Prophecy and teaching in the new ages Vol 2; Armadeus [via Ronald Kaufmann]; 1987; (Out of Print)
Prophecy and teaching in the new ages Vol 3; Armadeus [via Ronald Kaufmann]; 1987; (Out of Print)
Ramtha: The New Kingdom of God: The Masterpiece Collection of Ramtha; Ramtha, Ronald G. Kaufman; Paperback (Out of Print)

L Kelway-Bamber

Claude's Book; Mrs. L Kelway-Bamber, 1919; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Claude's Second Book; Mrs. L Kelway-Bamber, 1920; Hardcover; (Out of Print)
Claude's Third Book; Mrs. L Kelway-Bamber, 1921; Hardcover; (Out of Print)

Eric Klein

The Crystal Stair: A Guide to the Ascension; Eric Klein; Paperback; $11.65
The Inner Door: Channeled Discourses from the Ascended Masters on Self-Mastery and Ascension Vol 1; Eric Klein; Paperback
The Inner Door: Channeled Discourses from the Ascended Masters on Self-Mastery and Ascension Vol 2; Eric Klein; Paperback; $11.60
Jewels on the Path: Transformational Teachings of the Ascended Masters; Eric Klein (Editor); Paperback; $11.96
 Sacred Journey; Eric Klein (Editor); Paperback; 1998; $12.00

Kryon (via Lee Carroll)

2000, passing the marker; Kryon, Lee Carroll; 2000
Alchemy of the Human Spirit: Kryon Book 3; Kryon, Lee Carroll; $11.20
Don't Think Like a Human: Kryon Book 2; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; $9.60
The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace (Kryon Book 1); Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; $9.60
The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; 1999 $11.16
The Journey Home; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Hardcover; $10.46
Letters from Home; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; 1999 $11.20
The New Beginning; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Hardcover; 2002;
The Parables of Kryon; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Hardcover; $11.90
Partnering With God: Practical Information for the New Millennium: Kryon Book 6; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; 1997 $11.20
Passing the Marker 2000; Understanding the New Millennium Energy: Kryon Book 8; Kryon, Lee Carroll; Paperback; 1999 $11.16

Dale Landry

The Christ Spirit; Dale A. Landry; Paperback; 1999; $11.96
Creative Expression - Seth; Dale A. Landry; Paperback; 1999; $8.95
The Voices of Spirit: Predictions for the New Millennium; Dale A. Landry; Paperback; 1998; $10.36

 Lazaris (via Jack Pursel)

Lazaris interviews; Lazaris, Jack Pursel; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Sacred Journey: You and Your Higher Self (English); Lazaris; Unknown Binding; 1987; $11.95
The Sirius Connection Workbook; Lazaris; Unknown Binding; 1996; $12.95
The Sirius Connection: What It Can Mean in Your Daily Life; Lazaris; Unknown Binding; 1994; $19.95
Working with Your Shadow: An Imperative on the Spiritual Path; Lazaris; Paperback; 1995; $12.95

Robert Leichtman and David K. Johnson

Arthur Ford Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
Burbank Returns; Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
Carnegie Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
Cheiro Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Eileen Garret Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
H. P. Blavatsky Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Hidden Side of Science; Robert R. Leichtman; Paperback; 1992; $11.95
The Inner Side of Life; Robert R. Leichtman; Paperback; 1991; $11.95
Jefferson Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Leadbeater Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Lincoln Returns (From Heaven to Earth Series); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
Mark Twain Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Nikola Tesla Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Priests of God; Robert R. Leichtman; Paperback; 1998; $13.95
The Psychic Perspective; Robert R. Leichtman; Paperback; 1991; $11.95
Rembrandt Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Shakespeare Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Sir Oliver Lodge Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Steward White Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Yogananda Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback; $6.35
Wagner Returns (From Heaven to Earth); Robert Leichtman; Paperback (Out of Print)

Dorothy MacLean

Choices of love ; Dorothy. MacLean; Paperback; 1998; $16.95
To Hear the Angels Sing: An Odyssey of Co-Creation With the Devic Kingdom; Dorothy. MacLean; Paperback; 1990; $10.95
To Honor the Earth: Reflections on Living in Harmony With Nature; Dorothy MacLean, Kathleen Thormod Carr (Photographer); Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)
Wisdoms; Dorothy Maclean; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)

Janet McClure

AHA! the Realization Book; Janet McClure; Paperback; $9.56
Evolution; Janet McClure; Paperback; $23.96
Light Techniques: That Trigger Transformations; Janet McClure; Paperback; $9.56
Prelude to Ascension; Janet McClure; Paperback; 1996 $29.95
Scopes of Dimensions: How to Experience Multi-Dimensional Reality; Janet McClure, Lillian Harben (Editor); Paperback; $9.56
The Source Adventure; Vywamus, Janet McClure, Lillian Harben (Editor); Paperback; $9.56
The Story of Sanat Kumara: Training a Planetary Logos; Janet McClure; Paperback; $9.56

Gates McKibbin

Available Wisdom: Insights from Beyond the Third Dimension; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
A Course in Courage: Disarming the Darkness with Strength of Heart; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
Forging Faith: Direct Experience of the Divine; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
A Handbook on Hope: Fusing Optimism and Action; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
The Life of the Soul: The Path of Spirit in Your Lifetimes; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
The Light in the Living Room: Dad's Messages from the Other Side; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95
LoveLines : Notes from Spirit on Loving and Being Loved; Gates McKibbin; Paperback; 1999; $9.95

George McMullen

Born Many Times; George McMullen; Paperback; 1999; $12.95
One White Crow; George McMullen; Paperback; 1995;$8.95
Running Bear : Grandson of Red Snake; Running Bear, George McMullen; Paperback; 1996; $10.95
Red Snake; George McMullen; Paperback; 1993; $8.95
Red Snake : A 17th Century Huron Speaks; George McMullen, Ann Emerson (Paperback - 2000; $10.36
Two Faces : Walking in Two Worlds; George McMullen; Paperback; 1997; $11.95

 James Merrill

 The Changing Light at Sandover: Including the Whole of the Book Ofephraim, Mirabell's Books of Numer, Scripts for the Pageant and a New Coda; James Merrill; Paperback; 1993; $20.00
A Reader's Guide to James Merrill's the Changing Light at Sandover; Robert Polito; Paperback; 1994; $17.95
James Merrill: Introduction to the poetry; Judith Moffett
James Merrill's Poetic Quest; Don Adams 

Michael Teachings

Celebrities: The Complete Michael Database; Emily J. Baumbach; Unknown Binding; $9.95
Parallel Universes: Your Other Selves; Emily J. Baumbach; Unknown Binding; $4.95
Michael's Cast of Characters: A Not-So-Serious Guide to the Michael Teachings; Emily Baumbach; Paperback (Out of Print)
Michael's Gemstone Dictionary; Judithann David; Paperback; $18.95
Loving from Your Soul: Creating Powerful Relationships (Summerjoy Michael Book); Shepherd Hoodwin (Editor), Michael; Paperback; $9.56
Meditations for Self-Discovery: Guided Journeys for Communicating With Your Inner Self; Shepherd Hoodwin; Paperback; $7.16
The Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings (Summerjoy Michael Series); Shepherd Hoodwin; Paperback
Upcoming Changes: Prophecy and Pragmatism for the Late Nineties ( A Michael Book); Michael, Joya Pope; Paperback; $13.95
World According to Michael: An Old Soul's Guide to the Universe; Joya Pope; Paperback (Out of Print)
Earth to Tao: Michael's Guide to Healing and Spiritual Awakening (A Michael Speaks Book); Jose Stevens; Paperback; $10.36
Tao to Earth: Michael's Guide to Relationships and Growth; Jose Stevens; Paperback; (Out of Print)
Transforming Your Dragons: Turning Personality Fear Patterns into Personal Power; Jose, Ph.D. Stevens; Paperback; $11.96
The Michael Handbook: A Channeled System for Self Understanding; Jose Stevens, Simon Warwick Smith; Paperback; $14.95
The Personality Puzzle; Jose Stevens; Paperback (Out of Print)
Messages from Michael; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Mass Market Paperback; $4.40
Messages from Michael on the Nature of the Evolution of the Human Soul; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Messages from Michael; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Paperback; $9.60
Michael's People; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Paperback (Out of Print)
Michael for the Millennium Vol 4; Michael, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Paperback; $
More Messages from Michael; Chelsea Quinn Yarbro; Paperback (Out of Print)
Searching for Light: Michael's Information for a Time of Change; Carol Heideman; Hardcover; 1994; $9.07
Michael: The Basic Teachings; Aaron Christeaan; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Michael Game; Michael Digest Group; Paperback; 1988; $7.95
The Ordinances of Heaven - The Quickening Vol 1; Michael; Paperback; $17.95

Mother Mary

Instructions for the Soul Prayers, Affirmations and Meditations for Daily Living; Annie Kirkwood; Paperback; 1997; $12.95
Mary's Message of Hope: As Sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Her Messenger; Annie Kirkwood, Annie Kirkwood1; Paperback; $10.95
Mary's Message of Love:As Sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus to Her Messenger; Annie Kirkwood; Paperback; 1999; $14.95
Mary's Message to the World; Annie Kirkwood; Paperback; $8.00
Mary's Message to the World: As Sent by Mary, the Mother of Jesus, to Her Messenger; Annie Kirkwood; Hardcover; $11.87
Messages to Our Family; Annie Kirkwood, Byron Kirkwood; Paperback; $17.95
Instructions for the Soul: Prayers, Affirmations and Meditations for Daily Living; Annie Kirkwood, Byron Kirkwood; Paperback; $12.95
Meetings With Mary:Visions of the Blessed Mother; Janice Conell, Robert Faricy; Paperback; 1996; $10.36
Queen of Angels:Mary's Answers to Universal Questions; Janice Conell, Robert Faricy; Paperback; 1999; $15.96
Queen of the Cosmos; Janice Connell; Paperback; 1990; $8.95
The Visions of the Children:The Apparitions of the Blessed Mother at Medjugorje; Janice Conell, Robert Faricy; Paperback; 1998; $10.36
My Soul Doth Magnify: Mother Mary's New Age Teachings and Rosary With a Challenge to Christendom; Mark L. Prophet, et al; Paperback; $6.36
Mother Mary Speaks to Us; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Hardcover; $13.97
Survive the Coming Earth Changes; Byron Kirkwood; Paperback; $9.95
The spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje; Edward Carter; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Fatima Prophecy: Days of Darkness Promise of Light; Ray Stanford; Paperback (Out of Print)
Peace Within: Mary's Messages for a Balanced Life by Mary, Darlene Weinhold; Hardcover; 2001;
Those who saw her: The apparitions of Mary; Catherine Odell; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Thoughts on apparitions, chastisements, the Church; William A. Reck; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Mary's Miracles and Prophecies; Constance B Shaw; Unknown Binding; 1995; $11.55
Secret Prophecy of Fatima Revealed: New Age Visions of the Virgin Mary; Arthur Crockett; Paperback; 1982; $9.95
Miracles of Mary; Legends, Apparitions, and Miraculous Works of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Michael Durham; Hardcover; 1995; $17.50
The Spring of Hope: Messages from Mary; Carolyn E. Cobelo; Paperback; 1999; $12.95
The Cosmic Christ; Tambor Solana; Paperback; 1997; $12.50
The Gift of Fatima: My Story: The Channeling Of...a Remembrance; Mary Virginia Haines; Paperback; 1999; $19.95


Ascension: An Analysis Of The Art Of Ascension; MSI \ Dharanie; Paperback; 1991; $11.95
First Thunder: An Adventure of Discovery; MSI, Dharanie (Editor); Paperback; 1995; $12.95
Second Thunder: Seeking the Black Ishayas; MSI \ Dharanie; Paperback; 1995; $17.95
Third Thunder, Orah The Deathless Dancer: Book 1 The Fall Of Etan, Volume 1; MSI \ Dharanie; Paperback; 1997; $17.95

Karl Nowotny

Messages from a doctor in the fourth dimension (vol 1); Karl Nowotny; Paperback; 1990
Messages from a doctor in the fourth dimension (vol 2); Karl Nowotny; Paperback; 1992
Messages from a doctor in the fourth dimension (vol 3); Karl Nowotny; Paperback; 1993
Messages from a doctor in the fourth dimension (vol 4); Karl Nowotny; Paperback; 1994

George Vale Owen

Life beyond the veil: The lowlands of heaven (Volume I); Rev. G.Vale Owen
Life beyond the veil: The highlands of heaven (Volume II); Rev. G.Vale Owen
Life beyond the veil: The ministry of heaven (Volume III); Rev. G.Vale Owen
Life beyond the veil: The battalions of heaven (Volume IV); Rev. G.Vale Owen
Life beyond the veil: The outlands of heaven (Volume V); Rev. G.Vale Owen
Facts and the Future Life; Rev. G.Vale Owen
Paul and Albert; Rev. G.Vale Owen

James E Padgett

Angelic revelations of divine truth, Vol I; James E Padgett, Jesus Christ; Paperback; 1989; $17.00
Angelic Revelatons of Divine Truth Vol II; James E Padgett, Jesus Christ; Paperback; 1991; $17.00
Angelic revelations of divine truth, Vol I & II; James E Padgett, Jesus Christ; Paperback; 1989; $30.00
New Testament Revelations of Jesus of Nazareth; James E Padgett, Jesus Christ; Paperback; 1997; $20.00

Dorris Pearl

Step by Step We Climb (Step by Step Series) Vol 1; Dorris, Pearl; Paperback; $10.80
Step by Step We Climb to Freedom and Victory Vol 3; Dorris, Pearl; Paperback; $10.80
Step by step we Climb to Freedom and Victory; Pearl;

Eva Pierrakos

Creating Union: The Pathwork of Relationship (Pathwork Series); Eva Pierrakos, Judith Saly (Editor); Paperback; $9.60
Fear No Evil: The Pathwork Method of Transforming the Lower Self; Eva Pierrakos, Donovan Thesenga (Editor); Paperback; $9.60
Guide Lectures for Self-Transformation; Eva Pierrakos; Paperback; $9.30
Pathwork of Self-Transformation; Eva Pierrakos; Paperback; $11.16
Surrender to God Within:Pathwork at the Soul Level; Eva Pierrakos; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
The Undefended Self: Living the Pathwork of Spiritual Wholeness (Pathwork Series, Series 1); Susan Thesenga, Eva Pierrakos; Paperback; 1994; $19.95

Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Access the Power of Your Higher Self: Your Source of Inner Guidance and Spiritual Transformation; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1998; $5.35
Alchemy of the Heart: How to Give and Receive More Love; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia Spadaro; Paperback; 2000; $6.25
The Answer You're Looking for is Inside You; A Commonsense Guide to Spiritual Growth; Mark L. Prophet; Paperback; $6.36
The Art of Practical Spirituality: How to Bring More Passion, Creativity and Balance into Everyday Life; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia, R. Spadaro; Paperback; 2000; $5.35
The Ascended Masters on Soul Mates and Twin Flames; Initiation by the Great White Brotherhood; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $19.95
Ashram Notes; El Morya, Elizabeth C. Prophet; Hardcover; 1997; $13.97
The Astrology of the Four Horsemen: How You Can Heal Yourself and Planet Earth; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $4.76
The Chela and the Path; El Morya , Elizabeth C. Prophet; Paperback; 1989; $4.95
Climb the Highest Mountain: The Path of the Higher Self, Book One; Mark L. Prophet, et al; Paperback; $13.56
Corona Class Lessons; Jesus, Kuthumi, Mark L. Prophet; Paperback; 1997 ; $10.36
Cosmic Consciousness: One Man's Search for God; Lanello, Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $7.96
Creative Abundance: Keys to Spiritual and Material Prosperity; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mark L.Prophet; Paperback; 1998; $5.35
The Creative Power of Sound: Affirmations to Create, Heal and Transform; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1998; $5.35
Dossier on the Ascension: The Story of the Soul's Acceleration into Higher Consciousness on the Path of Initiation; Serapis Bey, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1997 ; $7.96
Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil: Why Church Fathers Suppressed_the Book of Enoch and Its Startling Revelations; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 2000; $7.19
Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil; Gustave Dore (Illustrator), Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1997; $11.96
The Foundations of the Path; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1999; $11.96
The Gerson Therapy: Regeneration for the Body's Immune System (2 Audio Cassettes); Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $12.95
The Great White Brotherhood: In the Culture, History and Religion of America; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $8.76
The Greater Way of Freedom; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
How to Work with Angels; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $4.79
The Human Aura: How to Activate and Energize Your Aura and Chakras; Kuthumi, Djwal Kul, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1997 ; $6.99
Intermediate Studies in Alchemy; Saint Germain, Elizabeth Claire Prophet ; Paperback; 1971; (Out of Print)
Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura; Kul Djwal, Elizabeth Claire Prophet; Paperback; 1976; $4.95
Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, et al; Paperback; 1997; $10.36
Keys to Self-Transcendence, Finding the God Within (Los Teachings of Jesus, Vol 2, No 3*&4) Vol 2; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth C. Prophet; Hardcover; $21.95
Kuan Yin Opens the Door to the Golden Age: The Path of the Mystics East and West (Pearls of Wisdom, Vol 25, 1982) Vol 1; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $19.95
Kuan Yin Opens the Door to the Golden Age: The Path of the Mystics East and West (Pearls of Wisdom, Vol 25, 1982) Vol 2; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $19.95
Lords of the Seven Rays - Mirror of Consciousness; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $5.59
The Lost Teachings of Jesus: Finding the God Within Vol 4; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $4.79
The Lost Teachings of Jesus: Mysteries of the Higher Self Vol 2; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $4.79
Lost Teachings of Jesus on Woman; Elizabeth C. Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Lost Teachings of Jesus Vol 1; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $11.96
The Lost Teachings of Jesus Vol 2; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $13.56
The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $5.59
The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of Jesus' 17-Year Journey to the East; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $13.97
Lost Years of Jesus: On the Discoveries of Notovitch, Abhedananda, Roerich, and Caspari; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $11.96
Maitreya on the Image of God: A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator Vol 1; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $24.95
Maitreya on the Image of God: A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator Vol 2; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $24.95
The Masters and the Spiritual Path; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 2001; $13.56
Missing Texts, Karma and Reincarnation, Mysteries of the Higher Self (Lost Teachings of Jesus, Vol1, No 1&2) Vol 1; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth C. Prophet; Hardcover; $19.95
Morya; El Morya, Mark L. Prophet; Paperback; 1982; (Out of Print)
My Soul Doth Magnify: Mother Mary's New Age Teachings and Rosary With a Challenge to Christendom; Mark L. Prophet, et al; Paperback; $6.36
Mysteries of the Holy Grail; Elizabeth C. Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
Nurturing Your Baby's Soul:A Spiritual Guide for Expectant Parents; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1998; $10.36
Pearls of Wisdom 1969: Kuthumi-On Selfhood; Mark Prophet (Editor); Hardcover (Out of Print)
Pearls of Wisdom: A Prophecy of Karma to the Earth and Her Evolutions Vol 23; Elizabeth Prophet (Editor); Hardcover (Out of Print)
Prayer and Meditation; Jesus, Kuthumi, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1997 ; $8.76
Quietly comes the Buddha; Gautama Buddha, Elizabeth Claire Prophet; Paperback; $11.96
Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $11.96
The Sacred Adventure; El Morya, Elizabeth C. Prophet; Hardcover; $5.56
Saint Germain on Alchemy: For the Adept in the Aquarian Age; Germain, et al; Paperback; $5.59
Saint Germain on Prophecy; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium:Includes Dramatic Prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Murray, L. Steinman, Patricia, R. Spadaro; Paperback; 1999; $7.19
The Science of the Spoken World; Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; $9.56
The Seven Chohans - On the Path of the Ascension: The Opening of the Retreats of the Great White Brotherhood; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Hardcover; $14.95
Soulless One; Mark L. Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
Soul Mates & Twin Flames The Spiritual Dimension of Love & Relationships; Elizabeth Clare Prophet; Paperback; 1999; $5.35
Studies in Alchemy; Saint Germain, Elizabeth Claire Prophet Paperback; 1974; $3.95
Studies of Human Aura; Kuthumi, Elizabeth Claire Prophet; Paperback; 1975; $8.95
Understanding Yourself; Kuthumi,Lanto, Meru, Mark L Prophet; Paperback; 7.15
Vials of the 7 Last Plagues; Elizabeth C Prophet; Paperback (Out of Print)
Your Seven Energy Centers; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia Spadaro; Paperback; 2000; $6.25

The Ramala Centre

The Revelation of Ramala; The Ramala Centre; Paperback; 1989; $17.95
The Vision of Ramala; The Ramala Centre; Paperback; 1994; $28.95
The Wisdom of Ramala; The Ramala Centre; Paperback; 1991; $19.95

Andrew Ramer

Angel Answers: A Joyful Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth; Andrew Ramer; Paperback; $9.60
Ask Your Angels; Alma Daniel, et al; Paperback; $9.60
Revelations for a New Millennium: Voices of Saints, Angels, and God; Andrew Ramer; Paperback; $13.00
Spiritual Dimensions of Healing Addictions; Donna Cunningham, Andrew Ramer; Paperback; $9.95
TWO FLUTES PLAYING: A Spiritual Journeybook for Gay Men; Andrew Ramer, Geoff Manasse (Photographer); Paperback; $12.95
Little Pictures; Andrew Ramer; Paperback (Out of Print)

Ramtha via Judy Zebra Knight

The Ancient Schools of Wisdom: A Selection of Teachings from Ramtha; Diane Munoz-Smith (Compiler); Hardcover; 1998; $19.95
Becoming: A Master's Manual Vol 1; Ramtha, Khit Harding; Paperback (Out of Print)
Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality: An Introduction to Ramtha & His Teachings; Ramtha; Paperback; 2000; $15.95
Between Two Worlds: The Message of Ramtha; Ramtha, Ronald G. Kaufmann; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Children's View of Destiny and Purpose; Ramtha, J. Z. Knight; Paperback; 1998; $11.96
Dancing With My Soul; Claude Ohayon-Budhoo; Paperback; 1995; $6.95
Destination Freedom: A Time-Travel Adventure, Vol 1; Ramtha, Douglas Mahr; Paperback (Out of Print)
Destination Freedom: A Time-Travel Adventure, Stage II: Arrival Instruction Vol 2; Ramtha, Douglas Mahr; Paperback (Out of Print)
Did You Know Genies Are Usually Green; Ramtha, Douglas J. Mahr; Paperback (Out of Print)
Financial Freedom; Ramtha, Richard Cohn; Paperback
Finding Enlightenment Through Ramtha: The Emergence of Gnosticism in the West; J. Gordon Melton; Paperback; $18.95
I Am Ramtha; Ramtha; Hardcover
Joy of Ascension; Randall Weishedel; Paperback; 1987; $7.95
Last Waltz of the Tyrants: The Prophecy; Ramtha, Judi Pope Koteen (Editor); Paperback; $9.30
Love Yourself into Life: Ramtha; Ramtha; Paperback (Out of Print)
Manifesting a Master's Manual; Khit Harding; Paperback; 1988
A master's reflection on the history of humanity; Ramtha, J. Z. Knight; 2001
The mystery of birth and death : redefining the self; Ramtha, J. Z. Knight; 2000
Ominous Dragoon of Dothdura; Ramtha, Douglas James Mahr; Hardcover (Out of Print)
The Plane of Bliss: On Earth As It Is in Heaven; Ramtha, J. Z. Knight; Paperback; 1997; $8.76
Ramtha; Ramtha, Steven L. Weinberg (Editor); Paperback; $12.50
Ramtha: An Introduction; Ramtha, Paperback; $10.80
Ramtha; Ramtha, Steven Lee Weinberg (Editor); Hardcover (Out of Print)
Ramtha: The New Kingdom of God: The Masterpiece Collection of Ramtha; Ramtha, Ronald G. Kaufman; Paperback (Out of Print)
Ramtha in Auidence; Ramtha, Carol Wright; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Ramtha Intensive: Change the Days to Come; Ramtha, J.Z. Knight; Paperback (Out of Print)
Ramtha Intensive Soulmates; Ramtha, Paperback (Out of Print)
The Spinner of Tales: A Collection of Stories As Told by Ramtha; Ramtha, Deborah Kerins; Paperback; $15.00
A State of Mind, My Story Ramtha: The Adventure Begins; J.Z. Knight; Paperback
Tales of the Ram; Russ Michael; Paperback; 1989; $9.95
To Life!: A Collection of Prayers from Ramtha; Diane Munoz-Smith (Compiler); Paperback;, 1997; $15.95
Ufos and the Nature of Reality Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional Mind: J.Z. Knight (Ramtha); Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)
Voyage to the New World: An Adventure into Unlimitedness; Ramtha, Douglas James Mahr; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Voyage to the New World: An Adventure into Unlimitedness; Ramtha, Douglas James Mahr; Paperback (Out of Print)
Injeeai: Reflections on a Dream; Denise Schumway; Hardcover; $16.95
Joy of Ascension; Randall Weishedel; Paperback; $9.30

Dorothy Roeder

Crystal Co Creators; Dorothy Roeder; Paperback; 1994; $11.96
The Next Dimension Is Love; Dorothy Roeder; Paperback; 1996; $9.56
Reach for Us; Dorothy Roeder; Paperback; 1996; $11.96

Helena Roerich

At the Threshold of the New World; Helena Roerich; 1998
Heart; Helena Roerich; 1994
Leaves of Morya's Garden (2 vol); Helena Roerich; Hard Cover. 1952; (Out of Print)

Mona Rolfe

Initiation by the Nile; Mona Rolfe; Paperback; 1995; $20.95
The Sacred Vessel; Mona Rolfe; Hardcover; 1995; $12.95
Radiation of the light; Mona Rolfe; Unknown Binding; (Out of Print)
The Spiral of Life: Cycles of Reincarnation; Mona Rolfe; Hardcover; 1992; $12.50

Sanaya Roman

Creating Money: Keys to Abundance Vol 1; Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer; Paperback; $10.36
Living With Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation (Earth Life Series, Book I); Sanaya Roman; Paperback; $10.36
Opening to Channel: How to Connect With Your Guide; Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer; Paperback; $10.36
Soul Love; Awakening Your Heart Centers (Soul Life, vol. 1) Vol 1; Sanaya Roman; Paperback; $10.36  
Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self (Earth Life Book Iii) Vol 3; Sanaya Roman; Paperback; $8.76

Kevin Ryerson

Spirit Communication: The Soul's Path; Kevin Ryerson, Stephany Harolde; Paperback; 1991;
Superconscious Mind; Kevin Ryerson; VHS Tape; 1991; $29.99
The Butterfly Rises: One Woman's Transformation Through the Trance Channeling of Verna V. Yater, Kevin Ryerson, and Others; Kit, Tremaine; Paperback; $12.95
Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing; Gurudas; Paperback; 1986; $14.95
Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healings Vol 2; Gurudas; Paperback; 1986; $11.95
Dancing in the Light; Shirley MacLaine; Mass Market Paperback; 1991; $5.59
It's All in the Playing; Shirley MacLaine; Mass Market Paperback; 1991; $5.59
Out on a Limb; Shirley MacLaine; Mass Market Paperback; 1996; $5.59

Saint Germain (via Guy Ballard)

Ascended Master Instruction; Saint Germain; Hardcover; 1985; $16.00
Ascended Master Instruction; Saint Germain; Paperback; 1985;
The 'I Am' Discourses; Saint Germain; Hardcover; 1935; $14.00
Unveiled Mysteries (Saint Germain Series, Vol 1); Godfre Ray King; Paperback; 1989; $10.00
Unveiled Mysteries (Saint Germain Series; Vol 1); Godfre Ray King; Hardcover; 1989; $21.00
The Magic Presence (Saint Germain Series; Vol 2); Godfre Ray King; Paperback; 1935; $18.00
The Magic Presence (Saint Germain Series; Vol 2); Godfre Ray King; Hardcover; 1989; $23.00
I Am Discourses Vol 3; Saint Germain; Paperback; 1935; $18.00
I Am Discourses Vol 3; Saint Germain; Hardcover; 1935; $23.00
I Am Adorations and Affirmations (Saint Germain, Part 1, Vol 5); Chanera; Paperback; 1993; $8.00
I Am Adorations and Affirmations (Saint Germain Series, Vol 5 Part 1); Chanera; Hardcover; 1984; (Out of Print)
I Am Discourses Vol 8; Great Divine Director; Paperback; 1987; $16.00
I Am Discourses Vol 8; Great Divine Director; Hardcover; 1987; $25.00
I Am Discourses Vol 9; Beloved Mighty Victory; Hardcover; 1986; $25.00
I Am Discourses Vol 10; D Lloyd; Paperback; 1980; $18.00
I Am Discourses Vol 10; D Lloyd; Hardcover; 1980; $23.00
I Am Discourses Vol 11; Saint Germain; Paperback; 1984; $18.00
I Am Discourses Vol 11; Saint Germain; Hardcover; 1987; $23.00
I Am Discourses Vol 12; Ascended Master Bob; Paperback; 1987; $14.00
I Am Discourses Vol 12; Ascended Master Bob; Hardcover; 1987; $21.00
Beloved Saint Germain's Talks (The Saint Germain Series; V. 13); Saint Germain, Godfre Ray King; Hardcover; 1993; $21.00
The 'I Am' Discourses (The Saint Germain Series; V. 14); Godfre Ray King; Hardcover; 1995; $23.00
Earth's Birth Changes (St. Germain Series); Azena Ramada; Hardcover; $17.95
Earth's Birth Changes; Saint Germain Through Azena Ramada; Paperback; $13.20
Saint Germain on Alchemy: For the Adept in Aquarian Age; Saint Germain, et al; Paperback; $5.59
Count Saint Germain: The New Age Prophet Who Lives Forever; Crockett; Paperback; 1994; $8.95

Ron Scolastico

Doorway to the Soul: How to Have a Profound Spiritual Experience; Ron Scolastico; Paperback; $9.60
The Earth Adventure: Your Soul's Journey Through Physical Reality: The Wisdom of the Guides/133; Guides, Ron Scolastico; Paperback; $8.00
Healing the Heart, Healing the Body: a Spiritual Perspective on Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health/143; Ron Scolastico; Paperback; $10.36
Reflections: Inspired Wisdom on: Gods and Symbols, the Human Mind, Angels and Guides, Education, Healing Addictions, Healing the Hurt Child; Ronald B. Scolastico, Ron Scolastico; Paperback; $10.36

Seth (via Jane Roberts et. al.)

Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology; Jane Roberts; Paperback
Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Coming of Seth; Jane Roberts; Hardcover
Conversations With Seth: The Story of Jane Robert's Esp Class; Susan M. Watkins, et al; Hardcover
Dialogues of the Soul; Jane Roberts; Hardcover; 1975; $1.49
Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time; Jane Roberts; Paperback; 1979; (Out of Print)
Dreams, 'Evolution' and Value Fulfillment: A Seth Book (Seth, Seth Book.) Vol 1; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $14.36
Dreams, 'Evolution' and Value Fulfillment: A Seth Book (Seth, Seth Book.) Vol 2; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $13.56
Dreams, 'Evolution,' and Value Fulfillment (A Seth Book) Vol 1; Jane Roberts; Hardcover
Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment: A Seth Book Vol 2; Jane Roberts; Hardcover
The Education of Oversoul 7; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Early Sessions: Sessions 1-42: 11/26/63-4/8/64 (Seth, Seth Book.;; Seth, et al; Paperback; 1997; $19.95
The Early Sessions: Sessions 43-85: 4/13/64-9/7/64 (Seth, Seth Book.;; Seth, et al; Paperback; 1997; $19.95
Emir's Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $7.16
Further Education of Oversoul 7; Jane Roberts; Hardcover (Out of Print)
God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
How to Develop Your Esp Power: The First Published Encounter With Seth; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $14.95
If we live again, or, Public magic and private love: poetry; Jane Roberts; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book); Jane Roberts; Paperback; $13.56
The Magical Approach: Seth Speaks About the Art of Creative Living (A Seth Book); Jane Roberts; Paperback; $10.36
The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know (A Seth Book); Jane Roberts; Paperback; $14.36
The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (Seth, Seth Book,); Jane Roberts; Paperback; $12.76
The Oversoul Seven Trilogy: The Education of Oversoul Seven, the Further Education of Oversoul Seven, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $15.96
Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Nature of Personal Reality; Jane Roberts; Hardcover
The Nature of the Psyche, Its Human Expression (A Seth Book); Jane Roberts; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Psychic Politics: An Aspect Psychology Book; Jane Roberts; Paperback; 2000; $13.56
Seth: Dreams and Projection of Consciousness; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness; Jane Roberts; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Seth Material; Jane Roberts; Hardcover; $29.95
A Seth Reader; Jane Roberts, Richard; Paperback; $15.95
Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book); Jane Roberts; Paperback; $14.36
The Unknown Reality (Seth, Seth Book.) Vol 1; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $14.36
The Unknown Reality (Seth, Seth Book.) Vol 2; Jane Roberts; Paperback; $15.96
Unknown Reality, Part I Vol 2; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
Unknown Reality, Part II Vol 2; Jane Roberts; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Way Toward Health: A Seth Book; Jane Roberts; Paperback; 1997; $14.36
The World View of Paul Cezanne: A Psychic Interpretation; Jane Roberts; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Creative Expression - Seth; Dale A. Landry; Paperback; 1999; $8.95
Ascendant Thought: A New Seth Book; John McAuliffe, Dotti McAuliffe; Paperback (Out of Print)
Timelessness: A Seth Book; John McAuliffe, Dottie McAuliffe; Paperback (Out of Print)
Create Your Own Reality: A Seth Workbook; Nancy Ashley; Paperback; 1984; (Out of Print)
Speaking of Jane Roberts: Remembering the Author of the Seth Material; Watkins, Susan M.; Paperback; 2000; $18.95

Ursula Roberts

A STORY OF MOSES; Ursula Roberts

Silver Birch (via Maurice Barbanell)

Silver Birch Speaks; ed. Barbanell, Sylvia (Out of Print)
THE SPIRIT SPEAKS; ed. Tony Ortzen
THE SILVER BIRCH BOOK OF QUESTIONS and ANSWERS; ed. Stan A. Ballard and Roger Green

Paul Selig

I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time; Paul Selig; Paperback; 2010; $10.85
The Book of Love and Creation: A Channeled Text; Paul Selig; Paperback; 2012; $12.21

Susy Smith

The Afterlife Codes: Searching for Evidence of the Survival of the Soul; Susy Smith; Paperback; 2000; $11.96
The Book of James; Susy. Smith; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Ghost Writers in the Sky: More Communication from James; Susy Smith; Paperback; $14.95
Life Is Forever; Evidence for Survival After Death.; Susy. Smith; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Mediumship of Mrs. Leonard; Susy Smith; Hardcover; 1964; (Out of Print)

Julie Soskin

Alignment to Light; Julie Soskin; Paperback; 1994; $8.76
The Cosmic Dance; Soskin, Julie; Paperback; 1991; $12.95
The Wind of Change: A record of spiritual dialogues; Julie Soskin; Paperback; 1997; $8.76

Violet Starre

Diamond Light, Cosmic Psycholoogy of Being, 4th Dimension, 7 Rays & More; Djwhal Khul (via Violet Starre) ; Paperback; 2000; (unavailable)
The Diamond Light: Messages from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul in the 21st Century ; Violet Starre; Paperback; 2001; $11.21
The Amethyst Light: Messages for the New Millennium from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul; Violet Starre; Paperback; 2004; $14.95

William T. Stead

After Death or Letters From Julia (1909); William T. Stead; Paperback; 1942; $15.95
The Blue Island; William T. Stead; Paperback; 1970; (Out of Print)
How I Know That the Dead Return; William T. Stead; Paperback; 1984; $10.00

Brad and Francie Steiger

Angels Around the World; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Paperback; $9.60
Angels over Their Shoulders: Children's Encounters With Heavenly Beings; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Paperback; $9.60
Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence; Brad Steiger; Paperback; $10.80
Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides: True Accounts of Benevolent Beings from the Other Side; Brad Steiger; Paperback; $7.96
He Walks With Me: True Encounters With Jesus; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Paperback; 1998; $5.39
Mother Mary Speaks to Us; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Paperback; 1997; $5.99
Our Shared World of the Supernatural: True Eyewitness Accounts of the Other World; Brad Steiger; Paperback; 2001; $6.29
Reflections from an Angel's Eye; Francie Steiger; Paperback
Revelation the Divine Fire; Brad Steiger; Paperback; $10.80
The Wisdom Teachings of Archangel Michael; Brad Steiger, Lori Jean Flory; Mass Market Paperback; $5.39

Alexander (via Ramon Stevens)

Conscious Life: Creating Your Reality; Alexander, Ramon Stevens; Paperback; $19.95
Earthly Cycles: Reincarnation, Karma and Consciousness; Alexander, Ramon Stevens; Paperback; $13.95
Spirit Wisom: Living Consciously in an Age of Turmoil & Transformation; Alexander, Ramon Stevens; Paperback; $12.95
Whatever Happened to Divine Grace?; An Alexander Book; Alexander, Ramon Stevens; Paperback; $14.95

Joshua David Stone

The Ascended Masters Light the Way: Beacons of Ascension; Joshua David Stone Ph. D.; Paperback; $11.96
Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy: A Compilation; Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley Parker; Paperback; 2001; $20.95
Ascension and Romantic Relationships; Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley Parker; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension; Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley Parker; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
Beyond Ascension: How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation Vol 3; Joshua David Stone Ph. D.; Paperback; $14.95
The Complete Ascension Manual How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime: How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation; Joshua David Stone Ph. D.; Paperback; $14.95
Empowerment and Integration Through the Goddess: Volume 2; Wistancia Stone, Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $23.95
The Full Spectrum Synthesis Bible: Wisdom Quotes of the Masters of All Religions and Spiritual Paths; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $21.95
The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How to Become an Integrated Christ/Buddha in This Lifetime; Volume 1; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $23.95
The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How to Become an Integrated Christ/Buddha in This Lifetime Volume 2; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $27.95
Hidden Mysteries; Joshua David Stone Ph. D.; Paperback; $14.95
How to Clear the Negative Ego; Joshua David Stone, et al; Paperback; 2001; $21.95
How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling: An In-Depth Study of Spiritual Psychology Vol. 1; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $30.95
How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling: An In-Depth Study of Spiritual Psychology, Volume 2; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $24.95
How to Teach Ascension Classes; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
Integrated Ascension: Revelation for the Next Millennium; Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley Parker; Paperback; 2001; $27.95
The Soul's Perspective on How to Achieve Perfect Radiant Health: A Compilation; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 2001; $31.95
Soul Psychology: Keys to Ascension; Joshua David Stone Ph. D.; Paperback; $14.95
Soul Psychology: How to Clear Negative Emotions and Spiritualize Your Life; Joshua David Stone; Paperback; 1999; $10.36
Your Ascension Mission: Embracing You Puzzle Piece (The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path Series Vol. 10); Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley Parker; Paperback; 1998; $14.95

Marshall Summers

The Allies of Humanity; Marshall Vian Summers; Paperback; 2001; $14.95
Greater Community Spirituality: The New Revelation; Marshall Vian Summers; Paperback; 1998; $14.36
Steps to Knowledge: Spiritual Preparationfor Humanity's Emergence into the Greater Community; Marshall Vian Summers; Paperback; 1998; $25.00
Wisdom from the Greater Community: How to Find Purpose, Meaning & Direction in an Emerging World; Marshall Vian Summers; Paperback; 1997; $25.00

Emanuel Swedenborg (on separate page)

Temple of the People

Teachings of the Temple Volume I; Temple of the People; Hardcover; 1925 (Temple of the People, Halcyon, CA)
Teachings of the Temple Volume II; Temple of the People; Hardcover; 1985 (Temple of the People, Halcyon, CA)
Teachings of the Temple Volume III; Temple of the People; Hardcover; 1985 (Temple of the People, Halcyon, CA)
Temple Messages; Temple of the People; Hardcover; 1983 (Temple of the People, Halcyon, CA)

Diane Tessman

Earth Changes Bible; Diane Tessman; Paperback; 1986; $14.95
Seven Rays of the Healing Millennium; Diane Tessman; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
Your Paxssport to Heaven; Diane Tessman, Timothy Green Beckley; Paperback; 1998; $15.00

Sister Thedra

Book Of Sananda ; Sister Thedra; Paperback; 19--; $12.95
Celestial Raise: 'tiers of light' pouring fourth from the Son; Thedra, Sister & Marcus (compiler); 1986 (Out of Print)
I, The Lord God Say Unto Them; Sister Thedra; Paperback; 19--; $7.95
Mine Intercom Messages From The Realms Of Light; Sister Thedra; Paperback; 19--; $7.95
The White Star of the East; Sister Thedra; Paperback; 1990; $7.95


Conclave: 1st-3rd meetings; Tuieta (Out of Print)
Conclave: 4th meeting; Tuieta (Out of Print)
Conclave Rencontre; Tuieta; Paperback (Out of Print)
Letters from Home: Volumes 1-4; Tuieta (Out of Print)
Talks With the Masters: El Morya; Tuieta
Talks With the Masters: Theoaphylos; Tuieta

Marilyn & Thomas Twintreess

The Heart of the Matter; Twintreess; Paperback; 1996; $15.50
Etheric Songs; Twintreess; Paperback; 1995; $15.50
Ogalallah de Oro : My Life With Humans; Twintreess; Paperback; 1996; $13.99
Stones Alive!; Marilyn Twintreess, Thomas Twintreess; Paperback; 1999; $17.95
Naturespeak; Twintreess; Paperback; 1993; $12.95

The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book; Urantia Foundation; Paperback; $15.96
Concordex of the Urantia Book; Clyde Bedell; Hardcover; $11.87
Urantia Book (C5); Urantia Foundation; Hardcover; $54.00
Urantia Book Concordance; Hardcover; $65.00
Urantia Book with Computer Disk; Paperback; $60.00
Urantia Book; Leather Collector's Ed.; Hardcover; $52.50
The Birth of a Divine Revelation: The Origin of the Urantia Papers; Ernest P. Moyer; Paperback; 2000; $24.95
The Center Within: Lessons from Heart of the Urantia Revelation; Byron Belitsos and Fred Harris (Editors); Paperback; 1998; $11.96
The Fifth Revelation: A Collection of Key Passages from The Urantia Book; Kelly Elstrott (Editor); Paperback; 1998; $15.95
A History of the Urantia Papers; Larry Mullins, Dr. Meredith Sprunger; Hardcover; 2000; $24.95
An Introduction to The Urantia Revelation; David Bradley; Paperback; 1998; $11.95
Paramony: A Parallel and Harmony of the Urantia Book and the Bible; Duane L. Faw; Hardcover; $16.95
The Tao of God: A Restatement Based on the Urantia Book; Richard S. Omura; Paperback; 2000; $18.95
Ufo Cults & Urantia (Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements Series); Kenneth Samples; Hardcover (Out of Print)
The Urantia book basics; Mary Ebben; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
The Urantia Book: A Revelation for Humanity; Uversa Press; Paperback; $15.16
The Urantia Book; A Revelation for Humanity; Hardcover; $17.47
Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery; Martin Gardner; Hardcover; $18.17

Doreen Virtue

Angel Therapy: Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life; Doreen Virtue, The Angelic Realm; Paperback; 1997; $10.36
Divine Guidance: How to Have Conversations With God and Your Guardian Angels; Doreen Virtue; Paperback; 1999; $11.96
Whispers from Above: 365 Angel Messages, Insights and Inspirations to Light Your Path; Doreen Virtue; Paperback; 1997; $17.95

Mary Bruce Wallace

Spiritual Reconstruction; Mary Bruce Wallace; 1918
Thinning of the Veil; Mary Bruce Wallace; 1919
Coming Light; Mary Bruce Wallace; 1924

Neale Donald Walsch

Bringers of the Light; Neale Donald Walsch; Paperback; 2000; $8.00
Communion With God; Neale Donald Walsch; Hardcover; 2000; $19.16
Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue Vol 1; Neale Donald Walsch; Hardcover; $19.16
Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue: Book 2; Neale Donald Walsch; Hardcover; $15.96
Conversations With G